MS Fatigue Management Course
This programme combines providing people with tools and strategies to manage their energy levels more effectively and supporting them to explore different, more helpful ways of thinking about fatigue.
Delivered via a series of weekly group sessions it is facilitated by two healthcare professionals who have experience working with people with MS. The sessions are highly structured and incorporate a combination of learning techniques, including presentations, group discussions, flipchart exercises and tasks to do at home.
Since the free course, the only one of its kind running in Bristol was first rolled out at MS Research’s Meeting Point over four years ago MS Research has seen amazing results beyond the realms of fatigue management. Most of the course participants come from a wide geographical area and several of them commented on the fact that outside the course they knew few other people living with MS. This has resulted in many of the participants remaining in contact with each other after the courses end and organising social meetings at the “Meeting Point” in the Vassall Centre.