Latest Advice on Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and MS.
Covid 19 and MS Update.
The threat from Coronavirus (Covid–19) affects everyone and health advisers have recognised that while the risks of serious illness are low for most of the general population, some individuals may be more at risk of contracting it or may have more serious episodes. These include the elderly and those who have a range of diagnosed health problems needing particular types of treatment, including people with MS who are taking medication that affects the way the immune system works, such as some of the MS disease modifying drugs.
General advice to all of us changes frequently and applies to all of us. All those who have MS, especially if they are taking disease modifying should diligently follow current advice on frequent hand washing, avoiding crowded places, travel and seeking advice if you feel unwell particularly with a new persistent cough or high temperature. Experiencing such symptoms should prompt self-isolation for anyone with those symptoms and all those who live with them. Regular visitors such as Healthcare staff will be aware of current advice, but some carers may not be. All regular visitors should be informed if you are self-isolating. If symptoms persist or worsen contact NHS111.